Please mark your calendars: The Nanaimo–Ladysmith NDP Electoral District Association (EDA) is holding its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, December 4th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm (with sign-in starting at 12:30 pm).
The meeting will be held online and over the phone by Zoom. All those interested in attending must register by filling in the AGM registration form using the button below.
This meeting is largely a brief review of the year, with elections of the EDA executive for 2022. Our successes, and our goals for the future! With a minority government federally, we may see an election sooner rather than later!
To simplify the Nanaimo-Ladysmith AGM and make it more manageable online, we ask the following:
Expression of Interest
All members interested in running for an executive position on the EDA, must fill in an expression of interest by December 1st. If none of the officer positions are contested, the positions will be acclaimed.
If an election is necessary, voting will occur online via secret ballot using Only those attending the AGM will be eligible to vote and send login information to cast their ballots.
The AGM Agenda, our bylaws, and further information on the EDA executive positions are below.
Your Membership Status
Important: Do you know that unlike donations to the provincial party, donations to the federal party do not automatically grant membership status? Because of this, your membership may not be current. Please email us at to check your membership status.
Otherwise, please renew your membership at
Nanaimo-Ladysmith AGM Agenda
Sign in at 12:30 PM.
Call to Order at 1:00 PM.
Acknowledgement that we are on Snuneymuxw, Stz’uminus, and Snaw-Naw-As First Nations’ lands.
Reading of Equity Statement.
Adoption of the Agenda.
Report of the Credentials Committee.
Approval of General Meeting Minutes from 2020.
President’s Report.
Financial Agent's Report.
Guest Speaker.
MP Lisa Marie Barron.
Election of Executive:
President (One-year term);
Vice President (One-year term);
Secretary (One-year term);
Financial Agent (One-year term);
A minimum of two Members at Large (One-year term).
Call for Donations.
Good of the Order.
Executive Positions for Election
The Nanaimo-Ladysmith Electoral District Association (EDA) is looking for members to join the Executive. The Executive is composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and a minimum of two Members at Large. You can find descriptions of these roles and their responsibilities on our website. You can apply to join the executive by filling in the expression of interest formusing the button below.
One of these may be the volunteer position for you! Consider putting your name forward; anyone who is a member in good standing can run for an executive position. The EDA executive meets at least three times a year (generally once a month) and has committees that meet as needed throughout the year.
The 2021 Executive
The current executive is composed of nine members, five women and four men. Those intending to return for another term are marked with an asterisk*.
President: Iris Taylor* (♀)
Vice President: Diane Brennan (♀)
Financial Agent: Alexander Wright* (♂)
Secretary: Jesse Woodward* (♂)
Members at Large: Alexander Skipsey* (♂), Elizabeth Hudson*(♀), Edie Cartwright* (♀), and Tom Rokey* (♂).
Member of Parliament: Lisa Marie Barron* (♀).
Equity Policy
Per the EDA's constitution and bylaws, at least one-half of the elected members of the executive, convention delegates and delegates to the Council of Federal Ridings shall be women. The executive shall ensure that members of Equity-Seeking Target Groups, as designated by Federal Council, are encouraged to seek executive positions.
At least one of the President or Vice-President positions shall be a woman.