Get together with your fellow New Democrats to help the Easter Bunny clean up litter at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith!
π· Photo by Lucas from Pexels.
Join the Nanaimo-Ladysmith Federal NDP in picking up litter at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith on Easter Monday!
π Hop to it with your fellow Federal New Democrats, in picking up litter on Easter Monday, April 18th from 1 PM to 4 PM at Transfer Beach Park in Ladysmith. For the kids, the day starts off with an Easter egg hunt and Easter egg colouring contest!
Once done with the Easter eggs, meet up near the Transfer Beach Amphitheatre for your litter pickup tools and instructions. Coffee and refreshments will available. Attendees are welcome to bring a mask.
Schedule for the afternoon
1 PM to 2 PM Easter Egg hunt and Easter Egg colouring contest.
2 PM to 4 PM work party to clean up litter on Transfer Beach.
Register using the button below.